
Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Technical Skills

 Throughout the project, I encountered a lot of technical problems. In this blog, I will explain in details how I solved the problems.

In one of my blogs titles "Statement of Intent", I was required to upload a PDF document onto the page. I tried to upload the PDF using only the embed link but it didn't allow me to resize the image, which caused a difficulty. Despite this, the method worked just fine when I uploaded a presentation onto Blogger.

I went into my teacher's blogger for guidance and looked on his post where he explained how to embed the link correctly so that the image of the document could be resized. 


  1. Upload the PDF to Google Drive 
  2. Click "Share" and copy the link of the PDF document
  3. Make sure that "Anyone with the link" has access
  4. In the blogger page, open up "HTML View" 
  5. Paste the link
  6. Remove "usp=sharing" and change "view" to "preview" 
  7. Add the code <iframe src=" " width="640" height="480"></iframe> and instert the PDF link into the src=" " 
  8. Publish
YouTube video: 

Link: : 

Another problem I encountered is that my teacher told us to put borders onto our magazines so that the contents would be more evenly laid out. I used my canva to create my front page, content page, and double page spread. At first I was very confused on how to do it, then my teacher gave us instructions on how to do it.

  1. Click on the file option on the top left of the page
  2. Click 'View settings'
  3. Click 'Add guides'
  4. Choose the custom option
  5. Apply the border size to your liking

Reflection: Turns out this task wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. The video that my teacher uploaded on his Blogger as a tutorial was very simple and easy to understand. I usually have difficulties in understanding topics and actions relating to coding but I realize that as long as I find the right resources, it will be easier to do things rather than just trying to do it on my own without any research. I've noted down the instructions on the video so that I could refer back to it when I face difficulties like this in the future without having to rewatch the whole video again.  This also applies to all the other problems that I faced. 

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