
Saturday, October 28, 2023

Magazines: Targeting audiences through demographics + psychographics

Here are my notes from a lesson about how media companies target audiences. I worked as part of a group but participated in the discussion (I apologize for the messy notes).

Pictures of the 2 magazines that I analysed


                    Magazine 1                                                                                         Magazine 2

Magazine 1
Name: Britney Spears - Teen Magazine 
Issue (date): August 1999 
Publisher: A Petersen Publication

Magazine 2
Name: ELLE - Shiny Jennie 
Issue (date): February 2022 
Publisher: Hachette Livre, Lagardère Group

Here are the notes me and my group took, analysing the overall difference between the demographics and psychographics of each magazine's target audience.

Reflection: Doing this practice before moving on to my actual magazine analysis has helped me get a better grasp on how to research on a magazine in terms of demographics and psychographics. This has served a very useful purpose as now I understand how media companies (specifically magazines) target certain groups of audiences (demographics & psychographics) using a wide variety of elements. I had fun doing this in the group as we all participated and shared our thoughts, this way, I received new ideas from my teammates which may help me in the magazine project

put picture of unit test and reflect on it 

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