
Monday, July 29, 2024

Weekly Progress & Plan

 This is my weekly progress & plan

WeekStart DateTaskBlogpost TitleContent
22 July
29 July
Pre Production
1BriefDescription of the brief, embed powerpointW2
2Plan & Weekly ProgressPlan for the whole project, Weekly diaryW2
3TeamYour team + Links ot their blogsW2
4ResearchResearch into documentary openings of the same genreW4
5 August
5Statement of IntentPlan for the productW4
6StoryboardScene by scene storyboardW5
7Location Scout & Risk AssessmentPossible shooting locations, risk assessment tableW5
12 August
19 August
8Behind the ScenesImages of the shootW8
26 August
2 September
Post Production
10Editing ProcessHow did you edit? Challenges, solutionsW9
11Self ReflectionSelf Reflection PresentationW9
9 September
16 September
12FinalFinal adW9

Week 1

  • I had my first Media Studies class, it was very fun and exciting!

Week 2
  • This week, we were introduced to the brief of the project. We were told that the project was a crime documentary opening scene, and I am very happy with it. I have always been fascinated with crime documentaries and have watched a lot of them. I also learned about Demographics and Psychographics and how they are used to target certain audiences, as well as media regulation and how it affects us and other parties. 

Week 3
  • I've decided on my team members already this week and we started on our statement of intent. We discussed the sub-genre of crime documentary that we want to do, the target audiences, as well as the plot for it. I had fun thinking of the plot with my teammates, I think that this group project will be very entertaining!
Week 4
  • This week, my teacher was absent so he told us to continue on our project work! I was absent at that day but I did ask my friends what he had instructed them to do (Make the script, storyboard, & location scout and risk assessment). They have finished doing the plan for the script, I will be making the storyboard as well as help my teammates with the script and location scout & risk assessment.
  • We had also discussed about power and the media -- how media is used to control/manipulate the audience's choices (in the class, we discussed how certain media parties portray some politicians). I learned a lot in this lesson! 
Problems & Solutions:
  •  Since I was absent during the project lesson, I was rather confused on what to do so I decided to ask my friends about it. Since I was at home because I was sick that morning, I helped my friends continue the script in the evening when I felt better. 
  • Finish script
  • Distribute tasks with teammates to reduce workload
  • Start on storyboard

Week 5
  • This week, we continued on working on the script and tried to finish it. I'd say we're 70% done with it as only small changes are to be made to it. We also made a filming schedule so that things can be organized. My teammates are planning on attempting to shoot some scenes this saturday, but I can't come since I have to go somewhere on the weekends. I started on the storyboard sketch and am almost done with it, once it's done I will send it to my team. 
Problems & Solutions:
  •  Since I couldn't come during the first shooting date, I had to ask my friends about what they did there and what I could do to assist them. I decided to start on the storyboard during the weekends while they were shooting to reduce the workload. The filming schedule we made also wasn't too accurate so some changes had to be made. 
  • Finish storyboard
  • Finish script and filming
Week 6
  • This week, we started on our critical self reflection and also continued on the other things such as the storyboard and script. At the end of the week, we were still not finished with the script so I wasn't able to finish all the critical self reflection questions. 
Problems & Solutions:
  •  A problem that I faced while answering the critical self reflection questions was that I was rather confused about what some questions meant and was scared that I might've misinterpreted them. I decided to ask my teacher for clarification and he explained them thoroughly to me. 
  •  Critical self reflection
  • Script
  • Storyboard
  • Thumbnail research and development
  • Filming 
Week 7
  • This week, me and my teammates continued filming for the project with our actor (Thompson) for the victim in our documentary, Christopher. The result for this filming was still rough but I'm positive that we will keep improving from now. 
Problems & Solutions:
  • So far, we didn't encounter any major problems other than the fact that we didn't quite have much time to film at that day since we were too distracted and played around too much. We decided to only give ourselves 15 minute breaks after each filming sessions to avoid procrastinating. 
  • Filming
  • Storyboard
  • Script finalization
  • Critical self reflection
  • Thumbnail research and development
Week 8
  • This week, the teacher gave us time to finish up on our project before the due date. I had almost finished with the thumbnail research and development in this week. 
Problems & Solutions:
  • We had encountered several problems throughout the week. One of which we had to switch out the actor for our character Christopher from Thompson to Devasya as Thompson had sudden plans and wasn't able to attend the filming dates. Finding the replacement for Thompson took quite a while but thankfully Devasya did a great job in acting as Christopher. Additionally, me and my group were struggling with the deadline as some parts took longer than others and we didn't manage our time well. In the end, we had to pull an all-nighter the night before the due date. Next time, I think that we should really stop procrastinating and work on our project right after it is assigned to us, even if its little by little.
  •  Filming
  • Storyboard
  • Critical self reflection
  • Script finalization
  • Thumbnail R&D
  • My team
  • Research
  • Statement of intent
  • Location scout and risk assessment
  • Filming schedule
Having a to-do list and a place where I can keep track of my progress is very convenient as I can constantly look at it to see what I can do better next time, and so I don't forget about the things that need to be done. I had fun writing down this weekly progress and plan as it really did assist me in doing the job better. I will definitely continue to make this for my future projects, even in other lessons!

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