
Sunday, November 12, 2023

Magazine Article (1st Draft)

This is my first draft for my magazine article that I will input onto my magazine project later on.          In a world where time is a ticking bomb and where there are constant changes in vogue, undoubtedly, there's something enticing about the charm of fashion glamor. The appearance of fashion design as we know it to this very day has come much later, during the 1820s.

Like a dazzling butterfly emerging from its cocoon, Rachelle Wu, a new fashion designer, has drawn top innovative designs, with her popularity rapidly increasing due to her astonishing collection, ‘Black Swan’. Rachelle Wu, who was 15, was burdened with insecurities. She disclosed information in an interview regarding her insecurities about her body, including how she always wore clothes that covered her body up. “I hated myself so so much.” She stated, “You know, I couldn’t even look at the mirror without breaking down onto my knees.” Her design showcases her story of coming out of her comfort zone, finding her true self, and finally accepting herself. Coming from a touching origin, this design has won the hearts of many, placing a remarkable trademark on Rachelle’s fashion brand, RW. 

The ‘Black Swan’ collection was first revealed to the public during one of Rachelle’s fashion shows on the 7th of November 2023, in Bali. During this fashion show, the model walked out in a black, silk dress. As the model stood before the crowd, applause erupted from all sides. The dress serves a seductive, yet elegant look, capturing all the people’s attention. This unique design has caught the attention of many other fashion designers; quoted from other designers, “I’m in love.”, “RW has always published the most astonishing designs, this one is my favorite of them all.”, “Rachelle Wu is an inspirational figure I aspire to become.”

“I’m very thankful for the support that everyone around me has given, that's including my friends and family. Without their support and words of encouragement, I wouldn’t be standing here today.” Rachelle Wu said in an interview during Vogue Fashion Week. Rachelle Wu further stated how her family has helped guide her through her hardships and become more loving of herself, which lead to the design of 'Black Swan'; the masterpiece of the century, winning the International Design Awards. Not only did she win the International Design Award, she’s remarkably been applauded by the fashion industry for being a very young yet inspiring figure. People on the internet have stated how with time and dedication, her designs may be on par with the famous designers Yves Saint Laurent and Christian Dior. 

Rachelle Wu has also talked about her inspiration, Vivienne Westwood. Although Rachelle Wu has always loved designing fashion clothings since she was a child, she stated how coming across Vivienne Westwood’s astonishing dress on her social media page has pushed her even more to chase her passion in fashion design. She furthermore explained that she loves the way Vivienne Westwood designs her pieces and takes inspiration from their overall ‘vibe’ for a few of her dress designs. “Vivienne Westwood is a literal icon! Despite her age, she still serves the most mesmerizing fashion pieces. I want to become like her in the future.” She stated. 

RW’s fashion pieces have always been made of the finest quality of materials and professionally sewn and put together by experts. RW’s materials are imported from countries with their specific expertise (for example, the mulberry silk material imported from China). Despite this, RW still helps out local businesses by using locals to do the production process, which promotes the decrease in unemployment rate in Indonesia (Rachelle Wu’s home country). 

In the fashion industry where there are no limitations to creativity, we can say that fashion isn’t only about clothes but also a form of self-expression and canvas for uniqueness. As we walk through the trends, let’s not forget about the designers who have put their blood, sweat, and tears into creating these masterpieces. As the fashion industry is evolving throughout the centuries, the newer fashion industry holds the promise of greater diversity, inclusivity, and sustainability. Just like a mirror, fashion is a mere reflection that holds a person’s true self, so in order to become great in fashion, a person must first find their true identity and learn to accept and love it.

Reflection: When I was first informed regarding this assignment, I felt as if 700 words is a lot to do and writing an article all on my own would be very difficult. My hypothesis turned out to be true, but I believe that it turned out like that because of my lack of time management as I kept procrastinating the assignment and ended up having to do it the night before the submission date. I managed to finish the assignment but lost a lot of sleep due to it. My teacher decided to postpone the due date to the next week. Despite this, I don't regret doing it at the night, this way I can study for the semestral exams for my other subjects without having to worry about my assignments anymore. Not just time management, but I had to ponder on my chair for so long to think of ideas on how to write the article. I went to the internet and searched up examples of magazine articles to get a better grasp of the content and how to write the overall article. After some research, I finally understood what to write and I believe I did well for the magazine. I will refer to my teacher about this assignment before submitting it to make sure that the article I wrote is good enough. A feedback I have for myself is that I have to manage my time well. Overall, I did enjoy writing this article, but it would've been better if I had started working on it earlier so I could've received more sleep. I really love how the article turned out so I won't be making another one.

Friday, November 3, 2023


Here is a list of the terminology that we should have a good understanding of for this project. 

Reflection: When I first saw the terminology list, I felt slightly overwhelmed and felt as if I'd have a difficult time memorizing and understanding the terms. I gained lots of new knowledge regarding magazines and after we did our research, I found the terminologies useful and was able to get a good understanding regarding it. During classes and when doing my assignments for magazine analysis, I usually refer back to this list to get a confirmation of the definitions. Until now, this list is still very useful when doing projects as I can refer back to it if I happen to forget any of the terminologies. Furthermore, I can also use this list to study for upcoming tests and exams.

MastheadThe name of the magazine, in its typical font, on the cover.
Selling lineThe short description of the ‘identity’ of the magazine under the masthead,
Main imageThe image which fills the cover – a model, celebrity, animal, artefact.
Coverlines‘Teasers’ for the contents of the magazine on the cover.
Typography/fontThe shape, style, size and colour of the letters used.
Drop capThe enlarged initial letter of the first word of an article – an aesthetic feature which is designed to engage the reader.
Pull quotesEnlarged quotes from an article – these may be included in coverlines, but are also used in the body of the article to break up the page and to attract the attention of the reader.
BylineThe name of the writer of the article, usually found at the beginning. Simply, it is the ‘line’ which tells you who the article is by.
Main cover lineThe most important article featured, grabs the audience’s attention (featured article)
Mode of addressThe way the magazine/article addresses the audience. Formal, casual, direct (for images too)
BarcodeUsed for retailers
SkylineA list of keywords featured at the top of the cover
ThirdsThe upper and left third are the most important. why?
PropAn image of an item
Puff / BoxoutA smaller image/text to stand out from the rest of the information (puff=circle. boxout=square)
BuzzwordsExclusive, free, new, special edition
BannerA block of colour with info inside, usually stretches the width of the cover
CaptionInformation about an image.
SpreadPages of a magazine that should be viewed together (usually two)
BorderEmpty space around the edges
White spaceEmpty space in the spread, used to break up the content (negative space)

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Double Page Spread: Research & Development

 Here is the research and development process of my magazine project. I will put all of my ideas here and reflect on the decisions that I make. I have decided to separate my double page spread research and development from my front cover research to help me separate them and be more organized. 

On this task, I was told to do research on any magazine, therefore why I didn't do all fashion magazines.


Here is my first double page spread research from a fashion magazine called Vogue.

Before Reading




September 2023


A Conde Nast Publication




7 images displaying clothing lines and the production process of the clothes.


The first page contains 3 columns, 2 columns with a majority of text and 1 with majority of images. It has approximately similar amounts of texts and images, where there are various sizes and colors to the images. The page numbers are located on the bottom corner of the book. The magazine has few negative spaces yet enough for it not to look too crowded. 

First impressions:

I think the proportion of images and texts, as well as the variety of size and color in the images is very intriguing and prevents the double page spread from looking bland. I also like how the page isn’t too empty nor too full. 

After Reading


Displays of AFFECTION


RADHIKA SETH spotlights four LONDON exhibitions celebrating sartorial EXCELLENCE


There are no bylines on this double page spread


The article written on this double page spread is about the four main displays in London.  

Mode of address:

The article is written in a 3rd person POV, and is written in a formal and serious manner.

Pull Quote:

The magazine doesn’t contain any pull quotes


Vogue's target audience are middle aged women who are fashion enthusiasts and have a strong interest in various fashion styles. Judging from the double page spread, Vogue's target audience may also consist of industry professionals such as designers, who look at Vogue's magazine for inspiration (Surveillance, Uses & Gratification theory by Blumler & Katz).


I personally think that this double page spread is very well organized. It conveys the high-class vibe due to its simplicity and elegance that Vogue wants to showcase, as they are a high-end magazine. The color used for the background of the page is white, which connotes cleanliness and class. This gives the page a very neat look. The way that the magazine was written in was very formal and serious, connoting that Vogue is professional. All these combined successfully helps Vogue connote that they are a high-end magazine, helping them reach their target audience easier and better. Although I still feel a little overwhelmed by the amount of text, as I don't quite enjoy reading articles.


From this research, I've learned that sometimes 'less is more'. As my target is also to create a high-end magazine, I could take notes from how Vogue targets their audience. A few things that I want to use inspiration as is to use formal language and use 3rd person as it makes my magazine appear more professional and classy. Moreover, I should take into consideration the placement, size, and amount of images and texts present in my double page spread as this also plays a role in how my magazine is represented.



Here is my second double page spread research from a car magazine called Classic Mercedes.

Before Reading


Classic Mercedes


Issue 44, Autumn 2023





Long shot of a white mercedes car


An image of a long shot of a white mercedes car is used as the background for this double page spread. There is only 1 image, despite that, it is used as the center of attention. The text is written in small, black fonts on the top left of the double page spread. There are 3 columns of this text. There are no negative spaces in this double page spread.

First impressions:

The way that the focus is brought onto the product (a Mercedes Benz car) is very interesting. I usually feel overwhelmed when I look at magazines with a majority of texts and the fact that this double page spread brings the focus onto the image/photography instead of the text (which is in small amount) is very pleasing to me. This layout also makes the spread look very eye-catching. 

After Reading


Frankfurt, September 1963: W100 600 launched


No subheadings


There are no bylines on this double page spread


The article written on this double page spread is about the release of a new Mercedes Benz car on September 1963 and the milestones Mercedes Benz achieved with that car.

Mode of address:

The article is written in a 3rd person POV, and is written in a formal and serious manner.

Pull Quote:

The magazine doesn’t contain any pull quotes


The target audience for this magazine may be Mercedes-Benz and/or luxury car owners and enthusiasts that want to learn more about Mercedes-Benz models and information regarding their automotive products. Another audience that may read this magazine are individuals who aspire to own a Mercedes-Benz in the future, as well as brand ambassadors. The demographics of the audience most likely might be adult men that are in the middle-upper to upper social class and either is wealthy or has a decent amount of income. 


I think that reading the article was fun, it didn't contain too much text that I felt overwhelmed. I take interests in cars too, so learning about this was entertaining to me. I really loved how they used less text and brought the focus onto the image of the car instead, this is very creative yet still is very simple and classy.


Using less text in a double page spread can actually encourage people to read the articles showcased as it feels less overwhelming, I can take note of this for my double page spread later on. 



Reflection: I found this task rather time consuming and boring as I honestly don't quite enjoy doing magazine analysis. Despite that, the task wasn't difficult and I faced very few problems in the process of doing it. I did have some troubles in trying to put my thoughts into words but that was about it. I am pretty satisfied with the outcome of my research and development.  

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Technical Skills

 Throughout the project, I encountered a lot of technical problems. In this blog, I will explain in details how I solved the problems.

In one of my blogs titles "Statement of Intent", I was required to upload a PDF document onto the page. I tried to upload the PDF using only the embed link but it didn't allow me to resize the image, which caused a difficulty. Despite this, the method worked just fine when I uploaded a presentation onto Blogger.

I went into my teacher's blogger for guidance and looked on his post where he explained how to embed the link correctly so that the image of the document could be resized. 


  1. Upload the PDF to Google Drive 
  2. Click "Share" and copy the link of the PDF document
  3. Make sure that "Anyone with the link" has access
  4. In the blogger page, open up "HTML View" 
  5. Paste the link
  6. Remove "usp=sharing" and change "view" to "preview" 
  7. Add the code <iframe src=" " width="640" height="480"></iframe> and instert the PDF link into the src=" " 
  8. Publish
YouTube video: 

Link: : 

Another problem I encountered is that my teacher told us to put borders onto our magazines so that the contents would be more evenly laid out. I used my canva to create my front page, content page, and double page spread. At first I was very confused on how to do it, then my teacher gave us instructions on how to do it.

  1. Click on the file option on the top left of the page
  2. Click 'View settings'
  3. Click 'Add guides'
  4. Choose the custom option
  5. Apply the border size to your liking

Reflection: Turns out this task wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. The video that my teacher uploaded on his Blogger as a tutorial was very simple and easy to understand. I usually have difficulties in understanding topics and actions relating to coding but I realize that as long as I find the right resources, it will be easier to do things rather than just trying to do it on my own without any research. I've noted down the instructions on the video so that I could refer back to it when I face difficulties like this in the future without having to rewatch the whole video again.  This also applies to all the other problems that I faced. 

Artist Persona & Brand Identity

 My group decided on a persona for our star to be reflected on our products. Here are some questions my teacher provided to help us construc...