
Thursday, February 22, 2024

Double Page Spread Development

 I've done some research, although briefly, on the overall common conventions on fashion magazine double page spreads using Pinterest, a visual discovery engine, similar to Google.

I like how simple yet captivating this double page spread is. The differentiation and contrast between black and red suits very well together with the image. The white space is also used well.

I like how they used different sized images on the double page spread, as well as how the main image is placed to be on both pages.

Below is the development for my double page spread. 
  • I decided to make some rough sketch of how I want the double page spread to look like
  • Then, I went on canva and designed the sketches

I did further experiments on my chosen layout (the 5th & 6th slide)

Reflection on designs:
  • [1&2] The layout looks very bland and there's nothing captivating about the design. It didn't turn out as good as how I expected it to be on the rough sketch.
  • [3&4] I tried to change the background into black to make it less bland. Although it did take out the 'boring' vibe from it, it still didn't look eye-catching enough.
  • [5&6] I decided to change the layout of the design to look similar to the 2nd research of double page spread I did ("New Who!"). I like this design better.
  • [7&8] I still felt like the page was empty so I changed the background to black. I just realized that I started my article on the right side of the double page spread, which is a very huge mistake. So, I'll definitely be changing this.  I also referred back to my research and decided I should add in more images onto the page, as well as move the start of the article on the left side of the page. 
  • [New presentation 1-3] I decided to make a new presentation on Canva as making the double page spreads on two seperate page each is a hassle as I have to match up the image and texts when it goes across the pages. Also, I did some further research and discovered that texts can't go over the middle line/border as it will be difficult to read when the magazine is printed so I may have to do some changes to finalize the design. I also didn't have any captions for the images, so I will have to add that in too.
  • [New presentation 4] On this one, I put together all the feedback I had for myself and changed the layout a bit so that none of the texts go across the middle line. I also changed the font on this one to a cursive and fancy one as the final font as it conveys elegance and sophistication. I also changed the color of the title, "Fashion Alchemy" into hot pink, in which I also used on my front cover title. This is because it conveys femininity and confidence, which is what I am aiming to imply on this magazine. The contents is further discussed on the double page spread.
Finalization and why:
  • Originally, I chose the 2nd slide on my new presentation as my final choice for the double page spread as I thought that it looked the most eye-catching. I took quite some time contemplating whether to use the one with more spaced out headline or the normal one (3rd slide or 2nd slide). I finally decided on the 2nd slide as it looks more exclusive. I had asked my classmate for a second opinion on it and they stated how the 3rd slide (one with spaced out headline) looks sort of like a newspaper, which is not what I want to achieve. Moreover, the 1st slide's article was not aligned well and looked very off-putting, therefore why I didn't choose it.  I like how the negative space looks and the texts and everything is aligned well on my final choice. Despite this, I had to put in some changes into the design as it had texts go across the middle line, and after that, I chose the 4th slide on the new presentation. 
Reflection: This task was more enjoyable compared to the analysis and research as I really like designing things. One feedback I have for myself is that I should manage my time well, although my time management did improve but it didn't improve enough as I still struggled with the deadline. I'll start making to-do lists and schedules to plan out my activities and tasks to stay on track, distractions such as my phone and watching the TV should also be eliminated when working on this project. I can try to ask someone at home to keep my phone while I work on tasks. Overall, I like how the double page spread turned out.

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